Available cats/kittens are listed below.
You must be 18 or older to adopt. We do verify your housing and veterinary reference. All current pets must be fixed and UTD on vaccinations (unless your vet gives a medical reason). If you do not have pets for a vet reference, we call the personal reference you listed on the application. Once we verify the application, we will either call or email if we have questions and to let you know if you are approved. Please understand that we are all volunteers, and it could take up to a week to process.
Here is the link to our adoption form:
- Born 10/01/2023 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75 (PENDING ADOPTION)
- Alfred was trapped on the Southside of town by a volunteer who noticed he was limping on his front paw. No one claimed him so Alfred became a rescue cat.
- He is now neutered, UTD on vaccinations, FIV/FeLV tested negative, dewormed, and microchipped.
- Alfred is a sweet boy that loves attention. He is a shy kitty at first, He loves delectable treats and lap cuddles. He does hide until he feels comfortable.
- Born 06/01/2024 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Blanche came in with a group of 5 other cats that were abandoned when their owners were evicted. She came in sick with a URI, an ear infection, and fleas. She is healthy now. She is small for her age but is gaining.
- She is a little timid with new people but loves attention once she gets to know you. She loves to play.
- She is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed/defleaed, microchipped, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and spayed.
- Born 02/10/2022 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75 (MEDICAL HOLD)
- Boreas means the God of winter, ice, and North wind. He came in during one of the coldest days in February.
- He was rescued from the I-94 trailer court. He was in a vent under he a trailer house and came up through the vent in the living room. He was malnourished, he had a wound on his front leg, and his eyes were goopy. He was diagnosed with Entropion and eye condition. He needs surgery to fix his eyes.
- He is gaining weight and waiting for surgery.
- He is intact but will be neutered. He is microchipped, dewormed, treated for ear mites, and UTD on vaccinations.

- Born 04/01/2024 (estimated) Adoption fee: $75
- Frito just recently came in as a stray someone was feeding since summer. He is a sweet boy that loves attention. Likes to be more of a dominant cat.
- Frito is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and neutered.
Jill (formerly Meredith Grey)
- Born 05/03/2022 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Jill was adopted out in July of 2022 as a kitten named Meredith Grey. She was returned recently, due to no fault of her own. She is described by the previous owners as cuddly and affectionate. She doesn't like dogs, but did ok with the other cat. She is slowly adjusting back to rescue life.
- She is spayed, FIV/FeLV tested negative, UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, and microchipped.

- Born 11/1/2023 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Moon came in as a stray found 10 miles outside of town.
- She had an ear tip already. She is spayed, UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, and FIV/FeLV tested negative.
- Moon is a sweetheart that loves cuddles after she gets used to you. She is playful and sometimes vocal.

- Born 01/03/2023 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Patches came as a stray in the I-94 trailer court. He is a shy kitty. He does not like to be held. He loves to play, and he would do best with no small children.
- He is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, and FIV/FeLV tested negative.
- Born 06/01/2024 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75 (MEDICAL HOLD)
- Rose came in with a group of 5 other cats that were abandoned when their owners were evicted. She came in with some gastrointestinal issues. She is being treated. She is small for her age but is gaining.
- She loves attention and she loves to play.
- She is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and spayed.
- Born 08/24/2024 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Salem came in with his 4 siblings when they were 5 weeks old. They were brought in from TSC. They were small for their age.
- Salem and his siblings are doing great now. He is a playful and snuggly little guy. He is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and neutered.
- Born 08/24/2024 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Samantha came in with her 4 siblings when they were 5 weeks old. They were brought in from TSC. They were small for their age.
- Samantha and her siblings are doing great now. She is a playful and snuggly kitty. She is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and spayed.

- Born 12/01/2023( estimated) Adoption fee: $75
- Simone was brought in after someone alerted us to her and her 3 babies. She was a young mother and unfortunately, 2 of her babies died. The last baby she didn't want to take care of, so was bottle fed by a volunteer. Simone is so sweet and loveable.
- Simone is now spayed, microchipped, dewormed, FIV/FeLV tested negative, and UTD on vaccinations.
- Born 07/05/2024 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Shadow came in as a stray at someone's house. He was semi-feral when they started to tame him. He is now a loving, playful kitty that loves ear and chin scratches and loves to lay in your lap.
- He is UTD on vaccinations, dewormed, and microchipped, neutered and FIV/FeLV negative.

- Born - 06/02/2019 (estimated) Adoption Fee: $75
- Smokey was originally in the rescue back in early 2021. He was Mr. Buford then. He was adopted out for 2.5 years and came back because of stress in the home. He has adjusted to rescue life again. He prefers to be in a quiet home as an only pet or maybe one other cat. He is a dominate cat. He loves to be on your lap. He does not like to be picked up. He would do best with no small children. He is a quiet boy that loves the laser and just relaxing.
- He is neutered, UTD on vaccinations, FIV/FeLV tested negative, dewormed, and microchipped.
- Born 01/12/204 (estimated) Adoption fee: $75 (HOLD: PREGNANT)
- Stella was found outside of Greg's Silver Dollar. No one claimed her and she became a rescue cat. She is such a sweetheart. She is a talker. Stella was found to be pregnant and will have her kittens at the rescue. She will be available after the kittens are weaned and she is spayed.
- She is dewormed, and microchipped. She will be UTD on vaccinations, FIV/FeLV tested, and spayed after kittens are weaned.