Helping cats that are unwanted and abandoned.
We wanted to let you in on our amazing fundraiser just in time for the holidays! All proceeds will go to our SNAP program. This program helps assist in the cost of spaying and neutering pet cats that you already have and is available for Dawson County residents. It is for one pet per household, one per year. The voucher will pay for the majority of the spay/neuter however you would still be responsible for $50 for a spay and $35 for a neuter, plus vaccinations if needed. This program is intended for people who cannot afford the full cost so they can be responsible pet owners by getting the cat spayed/neutered. We still advocate for responsible pet ownership. Please click on "Read More" to find the link and start shopping!Read More
We need volunteers to help come up with ideas for fundraising and to execute them. Grant writing is another avenue to raise funds.
Learn MorePresident and C.E.O.
Robin has always grown up loving animals and has been rescuing cats with her husband for over 16 years. She works full-time an Activities Assistant/CNA at the Veterans Home.
Rescue manager
George is recently retired and is volunteering at Happy Tails full-time. He and his wife Robin have 15 cats and 1 dog. Rescuing cats is a passion of George's. He is the resident cat daddy/cat whisperer.
Brenda is married and enjoys camping, fishing and spending time with her family. She loves cats and has a few rescues of her own. She works full-time at Mid-Rivers Communications.
Board Member
Hope is employed at the Dawson County Veterinary Clinic and is attending school to become a Certified Veterinary Technician. She loves animals, so that is why she works in the field she does. Some of her hobbies include: working with large animals, spending time with her animals, and planting her garden in the summertime.